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Government of Maharashtra has developed MAITRI (Maharashtra Industry, Trade & Investment Facilitation Cell) Portal for investors in Maharashtra, which is one-stop-shop for existing and prospective investors to get consolidated information about the investment process with regards to expanding their existing manufacturing units or to set up a new manufacturing unit in the State. There are 44 departmental services available on MAITRI Portal for Investors to apply through Single Window System. ERIMS services are also available on MAITRI portal.

Industries or Investors are suggested to avail benefit of MAITRI portal for availing ERIMS services and other licenses & permissions online at a single login. User needs to register & fill details in CAF on MAITRI once and it will be used for availing all 44 services present on MAITRI.

Need help ? Click Here to download user manual for availing ERIMS service through MAITRI.

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